Go Python 3 =========== We want to help developers migrate their projects to python3. Because most of the code is usually contained in dependencies, we strive to provide maximum info about libraries status of python 3 support. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 API ---- For those of you REST lovers: API: http://gopython3.com/api/v1/ API Docs: http://docs.python3.apiary.io/ Install ------- Steps to get it running locally (virtualenv is implied and ommited):: git clone git@github.com:futurecolors/djangodash2013.git cd djangodash2013/gopython3 pip install -r requirements.txt manage.py syncdb npm install # less templates manage.py runserver manage.py celeryd Production ~~~~~~~~~~ For production environments following variables are required: export DJANGO_CONFIGURATION = Prod export DJANGO_BROKER_URL = foo export DATABASE_URL = bar export DJANGO_SECRET_KEY = baz export DJANGO_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID = xxx export DJANGO_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET = yyy